The ways in which your diet affects your hormonal balance
The food you eat does not only affect your body mass and physicality but also your hormones.
There is a direct correlation between the food you eat and the production of hormones in your body.
This article provides you with information regarding the ways in which your diet affects your hormonal balance.
Impact of hormones
Hormones are chemical messengers that play a dominant role in several aspects including a person’s weight, appetite, and mood.
Hormones have the ability to have extreme effects on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health.
Amongst women, hormonal imbalance is something that is becoming more prevalent with time.
Interrelation between diet and hormones
The reason why diet is essential when it comes to hormonal balance is because the energy and nutrients acquired from the food ingested constitute the raw materials to the hormone production and nourish your body.
Plant-based diets seem to be more upcoming and are highly recommended by clinical studies and hormonal research organizations.
Benefits of following a plant-based diet include contributing to the prevention of diseases and potentially reducing the risk of cancer, promoting a healthy weight and Body Mass Index (BMI), and helps keep your heart healthy.
Hormone balancing foods
1. Certain seafood – shellfish, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, freshwater whitefish, etc.) Helps manage PCOS symptoms and boosts fertility in women.
2. Vegetables – kale, seaweed, brightly colored vegetables (spinach, carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, etc.) Contributes to a healthy diet with each vegetable containing specific benefits.
3. Herbs – ashwagandha, maca, white peony root, black cohosh A very natural way to restore balance in hormones. They support whole-body balance to help with any hormonal imbalances.
4. Quinoa Balances hormones by keeping androgen levels even
5. Avocado Helps manage stress hormones. An added benefit being they help lower the risk of any heart issues.
6. Pomegranate Potentially assists in blocking any excess estrogen production.
7. Nuts & seeds – flaxseeds, almonds, walnuts Can help reduce insulin and maintain blood sugar levels.
8. Beans – kidney beans, black beans, soy Contributes to decreasing symptoms like hot flashes.
Other natural ways to balance it out
Here are other ways to balance the hormones in your body:
1. Regular exercise – helps in terms of reducing insulin levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.
2. Manage stress levels – don’t stress, ladies, it only makes things worse.
3. Consume enough protein – decreases levels of ghrelin – the “hunger hormone” and prompts the production of hormones that make you feel full.
4. Avoid sugar and refined carbs – this contributes to effective hormone function as fructose increases insulin levels.
5. No overeating and no undereating – don’t stuff yourself, don’t starve yourself. Doing this can result in hormonal shifts, leading to weight problems.
6. Drink green tea – one of the healthiest beverages out there, drink it.
Hormonal imbalance can lead to several serious health complications, if corrective measures are not taken timely. If you experience extreme changes in your body, you should visit a doctor. Still have queries? Feel free to reach us on Facebook or Instagram.